
Bariatric Surgery



If you’re carrying excess weight and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to find the right plan to help you lose it, you may qualify for bariatric surgery. John Scaffidi, MD, FABOM, FACOG, and Maneesh Ailawadi, MD, FSSO, at Lehigh Valley Weight Loss, with locations in Allentown and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, are pioneers in combining medical and surgical weight loss and can help you lose the weight for good. To learn more about bariatric surgery and how it can help you, call the office or schedule an appointment using the online booking tool.

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery refers to the various types of surgical procedures used to promote weight loss. Common types of bariatric surgery include:

  • Gastric bypass
  • Gastric sleeve
  • Duodenal Switch/ SIPS Procedure

The bariatric team at Lehigh Valley Weight Loss offer multiple types of bariatric surgery but most often use the laparoscopic gastric sleeve (LGS) procedure, which is the most effective and safest form of bariatric surgery. They were the first surgical team in the state of Pennsylvania to provide this advanced surgical procedure in the outpatient setting and can perform these procedures robotically if necessary.

What is the laparoscopic gastric sleeve?

The laparoscopic gastric sleeve is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the size of your stomach to limit the amount you can eat, making you feel full quicker and get hungry less.

During the procedure, Dr. Ailawadi makes several small incisions in your abdomen. He then inserts a surgical camera, referred to as a laparoscope, through one of the incisions and his special surgical tools through the others. He then cuts away a portion of your stomach, creating a banana-like shape that goes from your esophagus to your small intestines, to limit the amount of food that can fit in your stomach.

Am I a good candidate for bariatric surgery?

The team at Lehigh Valley Weight Loss works with you to determine if you’re a good candidate for bariatric surgery. To be considered you must have a:

  • Body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater
  • BMI between 35 and 39.9 with health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea

If you meet the basic criteria for bariatric surgery, the team then conducts a thorough evaluation to see if you would benefit from the procedure. However, even if you’re not a good candidate for bariatric surgery, Lehigh Valley Weight Loss offers a medical weight-loss program to help you drop those unwanted pounds.

What can I expect during bariatric surgery treatment?

The bariatric specialists at Lehigh Valley Weight Loss offer more than just surgery. When you come for help with your weight, the team offers both medical and surgical help. The team is focused on making sure you create healthy habits that help you sustain your new weight, which has the added benefit of also helping those you love make better choices too.

For a consultation, call Lehigh Valley Weight Loss or schedule an appointment using the online booking tool.